40 jaar Taschen Lees meer.
Notorious bad boy of Italian painting, Caravaggio is now considered one of the greatest influences in all art history. T...
From flea-market romance to space-age bachelor pad, whatever your style preference, you’ll find provocative interior des...
Prepare to embark on a journey through space and time with The NASA Archives, a visual celebration of humankind’s unstop...
This volume is the unrivaled sports car anthology. It curates the most exquisite, remarkable, and desirable models from ...
One part history book, one part art book, and one part fascinating memoir, this book is an overview of more than two cen...
Uitgeverij Taschen bestaat 40 jaar! Om dit te vieren wordt er een speciale serie betaalbare kunst- en fotografie boeken uitgegeven. Prijs is slechts 20 euro per stuk.